These moths are found in Canada and the northern US. The males fly in the fall from October through December, while the females are flightless.
stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [k_id] => 1 [p_id] => 2 [sp_id] => 1 [c_id] => 7 [sc_id] => 1 [o_id] => 11 [so_id] => 0 [io_id] => 0 [supf_id] => 49 [f_id] => 96 [sf_id] => 130 [t_id] => 125 [st_id] => 0 [g_id] => 218 [sg_id] => 0 [s_id] => 176 [ss_id] => 0 [o_desc] => BugGuide ID Winged = ♂ The terminal line is a series of dark SINGLE dots -- a distinctive feature. = Operophtera bruceata (widespread, mostly northern) [o_time] => 1509228000 [inat_time] => 1509228000 [cat_id] => 113 [o_image] => [o_featured] => 0 [inat_url] => [inat_image_url] => [o_short_desc] => [lowest_level] => s_id [llid] => 1 [cultivated] => 0 [introduced] => 0 [good_image] => 1 [pollinating] => 0 [pollinating_level] => [eco_interaction] => 0 [gender] => male [research_grade] => 0 )
Operophtera bruceata (Bruce Spanworm Moth)